Play 3D Virtual Rubiks Cube
Playing Rubiks Cube feels playing a real one!
Key Features:
- Realistic graphics makes you feel playing with real Rubiks Cube.
- Swipe the cube with your finger to rotate the layer of cube. Swipe through the blank area to rotate the cube.
- You can also tap the Undo button to undo the last action.
- Double-tap on the face of the cube to mark the face; double-tap again to remove it. After the face marked, subsequent rotations will generate guide lines to show the rotation action.
- Tilt the phone horizontally or vertically to change the viewing angle of the Rubiks Cube.
- Play Rubiks Cube of 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6 and 7x7.
- Wide move for cube of 4x4, 5x5, 6x6 and 7x7.
- AI hints.
You can use it and it will make some moves for you that will bring you closer to the solve.
- Zooming in/out the cube
Make a "pinch" gesture with two fingers to zoom in/out of the cube.
Suggestions or questions? Feel free to email: [email protected]
Note: This app is a "LITE" version of our another app, "3D Rubiks Cube Solver", with which you can solve real Rubiks Cubes with camera, and it is ad-free. If you want to download the "FULL" version, please visit: